Xandra van der Eijk, Netherlands (1985). Since starting the program, Xandra has developed a fascination for analog, tactile work. Constantly driven by the idea of structure, every work contains contradiction between emotion/aesthetics and (generated) data- cycles or strict systems. Graduating graphic design in 2008 with a graphic score and interactive performance, Xandra decided to continue her research in image […]
Yerry Ydema has an interest in the power of storytelling and the hidden stories behind objects. In her work she uses several stories, mostly about unexplained disappearances, superstition, the sea and her mysteries. Through installation, earplay or video she will show the viewer her own, personal transformed version of these stories.
Nicky Assmann, Netherlands (1980) explores in her work how the body relates to objects and spaces and refers to the concept of “wearable space”. The skin, both visible as invisible is a recurring metaphor in her work and is extended into the intimate space. This results in the use of different media, like wearable technology […]
Malu Peeters, Netherlands (1984) makes theatrical performances and time-based installations, where subtle variations in darkness and kinetic lights structure the music composition. She is intrigued by the cacophony of large city environments, and by how our current hyperbolic environment diffuses our reflective capacities. The spatial and theatrical capacities of sound, as well as the multisensory […]
Jelle Goossens, Netherlands (1987) is a musician and multimedia artist. Inspired by science fiction and video games his installation work often creates a fantasy setting for the audience to get lost in. He uses different media to research and eventually find the balance between story-driven concepts and simple minimalistic esthetics. Jelle has a lot of experience […]
Erfan Abdi Dezfouli, Iran (1983) graduated in graphic design at the University of Tehran in 2006, and is currently finishing the ArtScience Masters program at the University of the Arts in The Hague. He has a background in electronic music composition, video installation, computer programming and graphic design. His research for the MMus ArtScience includes […]
Bardo Frings, Netherlands (1984). Within ArtScience the main focus of Bardo Frings lies in exploring the possibilities of digital real-time audiovisual synthesis and transformation. Using different programming environments such as SuperCollider and openFrameworks he creates live cinema performances, and plans to extend these technologies towards experimental theatre performances.
Aki Takeda, Japan (1976) began to study art, focusing on the fundamentals of painting and drawing. She came to Europe in 2002 and visited many places: Utrecht, Amsterdam, Brussels, Antwerp, Paris, Cologne, Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Madrid, Barcelona, Venice and London because she wanted to see art. She found the Netherlands to be the most interesting […]
Willem Waterschoot, Netherlands (1986) is a composer and audio artist, investigating the properties of magnetizable media, the tangibility of sound and its relations to the environment. He is a former philosophy student with an admiration for the concept of sabi and natural phenomena within the world of sound, clearly audible in his divergent range of […]
Hadas Hinkis, Israel (1980) spent most of her life in Tel- Aviv and its suburbs. In 2005 she immigrated to Holland, where she continues to enjoy a broader spectrum of possibilities and personal freedom. Her creative endeavors have spread throughout many disciplines over the years such as music, ceramics, fashion and theater. In Hinkis’ latest […]
Katherine Cunningham, USA (1982) is a visual and performance-based artist whose work explores identity construction and the possibilities for personal freedom within mass-mediated environments.
Matteo Marangoni, Italy (1982). Harnessing the potential of listening and sound to establish new connections between people, places and objects, Matteo Marangoni’s performances and installations employ field recordings, sound archives, computer programming and DIY electronics. At the ArtScience Interfaculty he is investigating the relationship between sound, space and the body, looking for ways to address […]
Ivan Henriques, Brasil (1978) is a Brazilian artist and independent researcher working in multimedia and site-specific installations. Henriques examines different perceptions of time, memory and environment using different mediums in his works. He also co-founded GEMA (Experimental Multidisciplinary Autonomous Group) in 2007, an artist-led conceptual framework that acts as an open interdisciplinary interface to explore […]
Anne-Jan Reijn, Netherlands (1983) is currently graduating at the Master course of the ArtScience Interfaculty in The Hague. He finished a Bachelor and Master in Composition and Music Production at the Utrecht School of Arts in 2007. Since then he has studied three semesters with Joachim Sauter and Alicja Kwade at the Experimental Media Design […]
Nenad Popov, Serbia (1978). While researching the relation between sound, image and space, Nenad Popov specialised in video analysis and real-time image processing. His work ranges from live cinema performances to large scale outdoor projections.
Ofer Smilansky, Israel (1982) studied electronic arts at the Musrara School for Photography, Digital Media and New Music in Jerusalem, Israel. Ofer is presently a student in his fourth year at the Art Science department at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, The Netherlands. His main artistic research is live cinema, both on […]