
Kunrad is known amongst relatives as Koenraad de Groot. With sound at the center he produces compositions, performances and installations. Curiosity forms the starting point for kunrad’s compositions. Mathematical equations, musical traditions, and ethnomusicological instruments can be subjects of interest. Kunrad has written compositions for ceramic shards, udu, superglue, choir, organ, harmonium, and spatial speaker installations. When performing he relies heavily on improvisation. He wants the audience to witness the exploration of the performers. To achieve this he tries to incorporate the unexpected into his works. He has performed with instruments that where not known beforehand and uses live radio as input for his ongoing work ‘Live Radio Composition’. In his installations he uses found objects that are picked for their sound. His current interest lays in paper, water, rocks, superglue and ceramics. Kunrad is a strong supporter of structuralism and clarity.
